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The Arts have been with us since the dawn of time – the power of the Arts reaches deep into places that Dementia has not ravaged.
Recent studies show that exercise, such as Ballroom Dancing, may help to slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease and improve the quality of life, as well as help reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease.
It is our hope and goal to enhance and enrich the lives of those, who are living in a world of darkness -to create an environment, that allows one to express, imagine and feel, to provide a “safe” social environment for family members, caregivers, community and professionals.
The mind-body connection will demonstrate, that the art of movement – specifically dance -enhances ones cognitive abilities.
The Alzheimer’s Project will offer classes to people of Normal Aging and to those, who are living with this insidious disease, regardless of the stage they are in.
5.4 million people in the US have Alzheimer’s now
13.5 people are expected to develop Alzheimer’s disease by 2050
Over 15 million Americans provide unpaid care for a person with Alzheimer’s disease